rangifer tarandus granti造句


  1. A species of caribou was named after Grant as well ( " Rangifer tarandus granti ", also known as Grant's Caribou ).
  2. However, golden eagles were reportedly the most prolific predator of neonatal calves from the Porcupine caribou ( " Rangifer tarandus granti " ) herd of central Alaska.
  3. The " Porcupine caribou " or " Grant's caribou " ( " Rangifer tarandus granti " ) is a subspecies with a vast range that includes northeastern Alaska and the Yukon, and is therefore cooperatively managed by government agencies and aboriginal peoples from both countries.
  4. It's difficult to find rangifer tarandus granti in a sentence. 用rangifer tarandus granti造句挺难的


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  8. "rangifers"造句
  9. "rangihoua"造句
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